The Board is the highest governing body of Jazz Danmark, consisting of seven members. It is self-replenishing, with appointments based on competencies that align with Jazz Danmark’s mission and strategy. The Board’s bylaws are as follows:
Board members are appointed based on their personal and professional profiles. They must support the organization’s purpose while ensuring independence, relevance, diversity, and growth.
Three board members must have current experience in the organization’s area of activity.
Following the “Recommendations for Good Governance” of independent cultural institutions, four board positions focus on competencies directly related to the organization’s mission. The appointment process is open, allowing individuals, institutions, and organizations to propose candidates to the sitting Board.
Board members are appointed for a four-year term. Re-election is possible, but no member may serve more than eight years.
A comprehensive study of the genre organization sector (2018-2020) led to a more standardized structural framework across genre organizations. As a result, board appointments are now made in the same way at Jazz Danmark, Tempi, Art Music Denmark, and ROSA—through a self-replenishing process where members are selected based on their personal and professional profiles via open calls.
Trine Louise Lehmann
Deputy chairperson since December 2021.
Lennart Ginman
Board Member since January 2024.
Camilla Laudrup
Board Member since January 2024.
Casper Tornhøj Schärfe
Board Member since January 2024.
Agnete Braad
Board Member since May 2023.
Jakob Dinesen
Board Member since 2020. Saxofonist and composer.
Mette Marie Ørnstrup
Board member. Appointed January 2025. Musician, cross-aesthetic artist, and chairperson of Alt R Jazz Festival. Expertise profile with a particular focus on the purpose-driven activities of the genre organization.