jazz+ 2024

News • 23.01.2025

Get smart about sync and publishing

TEMPI, Art Music Denmark, ROSA, JazzDanmark, RMC, and SOUND invite musicians and entrepreneurs to a full-day event dedicated to sync and publishing.

On monday March 3rd TEMPI, Art Music Denmark, ROSA, Jazz Danmark, RMC, and SOUND invite professional musicians, students, and musical entrepreneurs to a full-day event dedicated to sync and publishing under the headline: SYNC: Sound and Vision – Who Uses Your Music, and How Do You Get It Placed in Film, TV, and Gaming?

Together with international and Danish industry professionals, we’ll dive into trends, rights, and new digital tools across the sync and publishing sectors. What does the future of the sync industry look like in a digital world? Who should you send your music to if you dream of having it featured in films, commercials, video games, or on other emerging platforms? And how can new technologies and digital tools unlock opportunities for new collaborations and revenue streams?

Program and practical information

Program for the day

09.00–09.05: Welcome
Kick-off and introduction to the day’s program.

09.05–10.00: Sync Means Business
How does the sync industry work, and what new business potentials does it hold? We’ll explore emerging trends and digital tools.
With Torsten Cubel (formerly Spanra)

10.00–10.45: Securing Your Rights: Registration, Rights, and Metadata
Learn how to protect your music and manage metadata effectively.
With Steph Rushton (Seven Seas Music)

10.45–11.00: Break

11.00–12.00: Panel: The Future of Sync and New Players in the Danish Industry
What does the future hold for the sync industry, and what opportunities arise for new players?
With Cecilie Karpinski (Glue!), Thomas Bertelsen (Frankly My Dear), and Torsten Cubel (formerly Spanra)

12.00–13.00: Lunch Break

13.00–13.45: How Does the International Industry Work with Sync, and How Can the Nordic Market Tap into It?
Gain insights into the global sync industry and how the Nordic market can get involved.
With Kiran Patel

13.45–15.00: Pitching Session
Pitch your music to industry professionals and receive valuable feedback.
With Kiran Patel (A&G Sync), Steph Rushton (Seven Seas Music), and Mikkel Maltha (Zentropa)

15.00–16.00: Networking
Connect with other participants and professionals in the industry.

16.00: Thank You and Goodbye!

Location: Akvariet at Rhythmic Music Conservatory
Eik Skaløes Plads 1, 1437 Copenhagen K

Date: Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:00–16:00

Price: 100 DKK (Free for students, but registration is required).
Lunch, tea, and coffee are provided.

Coming from afar?
To ensure accessibility from across Denmark regardless of income, we offer travel reimbursement based on the following tiers:

  • Region Zealand: 100 DKK
  • Funen: 200 DKK
  • Southern and Central Jutland: 300 DKK
  • Northern Jutland: 500 DKK

If this is of interest, send an email after registering to Jakob Kragesand at jakob@tempi.nu.
Please note: Reimbursements are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are limited.


Camilla Juul Kjærgaard

Project Manager

+45 33 45 43 00


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