Jazz+ invites you to panel debates, joint listening cinema and presentations as a prelude to Danish Music Awards Jazz
As a prelude to the Danish Music Awards Jazz on 7 December 2022, JazzDanmark, in collaboration with Promus, invites you to an afternoon of activities, all in the spirit of jazz.
Jazz+ invites you to panel debates, joint listening cinema and presentations as a prelude to DMA Jazz
As a prelude to the Danish Music Awards Jazz on 7 December 2022, JazzDanmark, in collaboration with Promus, invites you to an afternoon of activities, all in the spirit of jazz.
Panel debate at Turkis: Jazz at the venues
Jazz is rich and diverse – indeed among the country’s biggest rhythmic genres. Still, it lives primarily in genre-specific venues, bars, cafes and generally on its own terms. What can jazz offer venues? What can jazz do that other genres can’t? And how do regional venues work with jazz? Meet some of the country’s venue managers, bookers and concert organizers as we share success stories and talk about the challenges.
Talk: Where is Danish jazz today?
Seven academy members have listened to the 179 Danish jazz releases that have been nominated for DMA Jazz. What are they thinking? Meet our Japanese, French and Danish academy members, who give their take on where Danish jazz is today and where jazz is headed.
Lean back to the sound of Dangerous Sounds
During the day, it is also possible to get a well-deserved rest in Turkis’ soft pillows and even with an exciting story in your ears. There will be a listening cinema where “Dangerous Sounds – the story of Danish jazz” will be played in wireless earphones, which will be provided at the venue.
In collaboration with Promus, we also invite you to three presentations aimed specifically at jazz players on sync, streaming and SoMe respectively.
Streaming and publishing by Peter Bek (Zack’s Talent)
Peter Bek will review what you need to plan in connection with publishing your music – regardless of whether you are signed to a label or whether you do it all yourself. Peter works on a daily basis as, among other things, label, music publisher, artist manager and sync agent and has worked on releases with e.g. GinmanBlachmanDahl, Artur Tuznik, Red Gazelle Trio, Made in Wood, Bjarke Falgren and others. He has previously been responsible for Universal Music’s international releases in Denmark. Read more about Zack’s Talent here.
The way to get a sync placement in house by Mette Zähringer (Iceberg Music Group)
Sync and placements have become “the new black”, and it has become an area that we here at home are quite good at – also internationally. We dive into the lively world of music synchronization – synchronizing music with moving images in film, TV and advertising. Mette will talk about rights, cash flows, clearing processes as well as good advice on how you can maximize your chances and be successful with synchronizing your music. Read more about Iceberg music Group here.
How to grow your fanbase on social media and enjoy it in the process! by Effie Summers (Eng.)
Effi Summers provides tips and tricks to help you embrace social media, optimize your online presence, and find joy in creating content while managing to grow your fan base. Read more about Effie Summers here.
Jazz+ program 2022
15:00-15:30 Listening cinema: Dangerous Sounds
Location: Turkis, Access for all
15:00 Promus presents SoMe with Effi Summers
Location: Promus, Registration required
15:30-16:15 Panel discussion: Jazz at the venues
Location: Turkis, Access for all
15:45 Promus presents streaming with Peter Bek, Zach’s Talent
Location: Promus, Registration required
16:15-16:45 Listening cinema: Dangerous Tones
Location: Turkis, Access for all
16:30 Promus presents: Sync with Mette Zähringer, Iceberg Music Group
Location: Promus, Registration required
16:45-17:30 Panel discussion with the academy: Where is Danish jazz today?
Location: Turkis, Access for all