Jazz Competition


The Jazz Competition focuses on the development of young jazz musicians through a series of concerts, feedback sessions, and coaching programs.


Lars Thor Jensen

Project Manager

+45 33 45 43 00


Talent development

In recent years, Jazz Competition has evolved to place greater emphasis on talent development and networking rather than competition. As a result, all participants have taken part in all the events throughout the process and have received equal amounts of feedback and coaching. The winner of Jazz Competition receives 10,000 DKK for a specific project.

The four participating venues are currently Huset i Hasserisgade (Aalborg), Jazz6000/Godset (Kolding), Musikhuset Dexter (Odense), and Alice (Copenhagen).

Past winners of Jazz Competition include Musvit, Kosmos Trio, Baryl, Metroscope, and Svaneborg Kardyb.


Criteria for participation in Jazz Competition:

  • Band members must be a maximum of 30 years old.
  • The band must consist predominantly of Danish musicians or musicians residing in Denmark.
  • The musical material must primarily be original.

Jazz Competition is organized and carried out by JazzDanmark, in close collaboration with the four participating venues.

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Gangsted Fonden