The Danish Music Awards Jazz is the annual award ceremony that celebrates the Danish jazz scene and highlights the past year's releases.
jazzahead! is Europe's largest jazz fair, held every year in April in Bremen, Germany. JazzDanmark hosts the Danish stand at jazzahead! and offers all Danish jazz professionals the opportunity to participate at the stand.
"Jazzkonkurrencen" focuses on the development of young jazz musicians through a series of concerts, feedback sessions, and coaching programs.
JazzDanmark ønsker at bidrage til bevaringen og formidlingen af dansk jazzhistorie. Projektet leder frem mod en stor fejring af 100-året for dansk jazz i 2026.
The Danish Polish Jazz Network aims to foster collaborations between Danish and Polish jazz professionals and musicians by enhancing awareness of the two jazz scenes, its musicians, and key players.
Danmark og Indien har indgået en omfattende aftale om et kulturudveksling. JazzDanmark bidrager til programmet, som skal understøtte udvekslingen.
JazzDanmark i marts 2022 en podcast i 8 afsnit om den dansk-amerikanske jazzforbindelse, der bygger på den populære DR-podcast, Farlige Toner
Tivoli Jazzpris, developed by Tivoli and JazzDanmark, celebrates outstanding achievements in jazz music through a series of grants.
The goal of Jazz+ is to encourage the industry to engage in dialogue and collaborate across roles and expertise
Sounds of Denmark is a Danish jazz initiative in England that has been strengthening the connections between the Danish and English jazz scenes since 2016.
Read more about Jazz Danmark's former projects.
Der dukker flere og flere danske jazzlabels op og antallet af jazzudgivelser bliver ved med at ligge stabilt og højt med knap 150 udgivelser årligt. Danmark er et jazzland, og udgivelserne er med til at holde hele økosystemet igang, da de foruden direkte indtjening også udgør et fundament for danske musikeres liveaktiviteter i hele verden.
The Summer Camp is a week-long intensive music camp for musicians under 18 at Klejtrup Musikefterskole in Denmark.
Freundschaft is a 2-year career program aimed at strengthening the presence of Danish jazz in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
JazzCamp for Piger er et af JazzDanmarks bidrag til at genoprette den skæve kønsbalance i rytmisk musik. Projektet involverer både piger, musikskoler og det musikpolitiske bagland.